Guoyu Ren
China Univeristy of Geosciences (Wuhan)/China Meteorological Administration, Beijing
Guoyu Ren is a climatologist and physical geographer. His research has been focused on detection and attribution of climate change and variability, covering Holocene climate and environmental change, multi-decadal variability and long-term trend of key climatic variables, extreme climate change and urban climate change.Guoyu Ren is a principle investigator of three sub-projects of national key R&D projects, an author or coauthor of more than 200 articles, an editor of 7 books and 3 special issues of academic journals. He is also one of the leading experts of the first China National Assessment Report on Climate Change, and a member of editorial committees of 8 international and Chinese journals.
Research Interest
Climate Change and Paleo-climatology