Ganesh C Bora
Mississippi State University, USA
Ganesh C Bora is an Associate Professor of Precision Agriculture and Machinery Systems at Mississippi State University in USA. He is the Chair of USDA Committee NCERA180: Precision Agriculture Technologies for Food, Fiber and Energy Production. He conducts research in mitigation of climate change, telemetry, UAS, data management, precision planting, energy savings through auto-guidance and sensing techniques for VRT, renewable energy. He was the Director of NDSU’s Bio-Imaging and Sensing Center from 2010 to 2016. He has received Superior Paper and AE50 award from ASABE. He has maintained excellent global presence, received patent in Kazakhstan and conducted workshops in Vietnam, Thailand, India and Bangladesh; besides teaching Advanced Agricultural Technology Management in Kazakhstan. He has co-chaired the Mechanization and Precision Agriculture committee in Engineering and Technology Innovation for Global Food Security in South Africa. He has received his PhD from Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA.