Paul A Comet
Comet Environmental Consulting, USA
Dr. Paul A. Comet has degrees in in Geology, Micropaleontology from London University (QMC) & a PhD in Organic Geochemistry from the School of Chemistry, Bristol University, UK. His postdoctoral work at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne was concerned with hydrous pyrolysis of kerogen analysis using Ocean Drilling Project samples, specifically oriented to terpenoid stereochemical pressure/ temperature transformations. He has worked in the oil service industry as a petroleum geochemist at Core Labs. Singapore & Indonesia & as an inorganic geochemist at Halliburton recently, working on the mineralogy of unconventional reservoirs. He also worked at Texas A & M (GERG) as an associate research scientist mapping the oils of the Gulf of Mexico. He has more than 40 publications & has been working for more than 10 years on solutions for ameliorating climate change.
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