Fedora Quattrocchi
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy
Fedora Quattrocchi is a “Research Director” technologist at INGV. She received his Earth Sciences Degree at University “La Sapienza” of Rome “cum laudem” in 1988. She was a contract Professor of University of Rome Tor vergata, Enginnering. She tutored a lot of degree theses and PhD students over different Italian universities. She was II level International Master “Technologies for the Greenhouse Gases reduction” University of Perugia (2004), Master Business School Il Sole24 Ore: “Multimedial Communication and Economical-Political Journalism” Responsible, since 2007, of Functional Unit “Fluid Geochemistry, Geological Storage and Geothermics” INGV Section “Seismicity and tectonophysics”. She is Director of Research in Line Energy and Georesources, Rome 1, INGV.