Call for Abstract

2nd Global Summit on Earth Science and Climate Change, will be organized around the theme “”

Earth Science 2020 is comprised of 21 tracks and 73 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Earth Science 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Earth science or geoscience includes all fields of science associated with the world Earth. This is often a branch of science managing the physical constitution of the world and its atmosphere. Earth science is that the study of our planet’s physical characteristics, from earthquakes to raindrops, and floods to fossils. The numerous purpose of the world sciences is to acknowledge the present capabilities and therefore the past evolution of the world and to use this information, whereby acceptable, for the advantage of human race. Some earth scientists use their information of the world to find and develop energy and natural resource. Others study the impact of human action on Earth's environment, and style ways to protect the world.

  • Track 1-1Environmental Geo-science
  • Track 1-2Glossary of geology terms
  • Track 1-3Structure of the Earth
  • Track 1-4GEO-LEO (GEO Library Experts Online)
  • Track 1-5Earth sciences graphics software

Climate change also called global warming, refers to the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth. Climatology, the science of Climate and its relation to plant and animal life, is important in many fields, including agriculture, aviation, medicine, botany, zoology, geology, and geography. Changes in Climate affect, for example, the plant and animal life of a given area. Climatology, the science of Climate and its relation to plant and animal life, is important in many fields, including agriculture, aviation, medicine, botany, zoology, geology, and geography. Changes in Climate affect, for example, the plant and animal life of a given area.

  • Track 2-1Climate Change & Climatology
  • Track 2-2CO2 Responsible Climate Change
  • Track 2-3Sustainability & Climate Change
  • Track 2-4Climate Change Law & Policy
  • Track 2-5Space Monitoring of Climate Variables

The chemical composition of the atmosphere has been changing rapidly over the last several decades. Global changes research has been successful in developing a scientific understanding of several of these changes such as stratospheric ozone depletion. The assessment and understanding of other problems such as tropospheric ozone and aerosols and their roles in climate and chemical processes remain largely inadequate.

  • Track 3-1Oxygen cycle
  • Track 3-2Ozone-oxygen cycle
  • Track 3-3Paleoclimatology
  • Track 3-4Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion
  • Track 3-5Tropospheric ozone depletion events

Pollution is the presence of a pollutant in the environment and is often the result of human actions. Pollution has a detrimental effect on the environment. Animals, fish and other aquatic life, plants and humans all suffer when pollution is not controlled. In other words, Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment that causes harmful and toxic effects to living things. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollution is often classified as point source pollution or non-point source pollution. Noise pollution, soil pollution and light pollution too are the damaging the environment at an alarming rate. Things as simple as light, sound and temperature can be considered pollutants when introduced artificially into an environment. Air pollution is by far the most harmful form of pollution in our environment. Air pollution is cause by the injurious smoke emitted by cars, buses, trucks, trains, and factories, namely sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Toxic pollution affects more than 200 million people worldwide. In some of the world’s worst polluted places, babies are born with birth defects, children have lost 30 to 40 IQ points, and life expectancy may be as low as 45 years because of cancers and other diseases.

  • Track 4-1Pollution & its Effects on Climate
  • Track 4-2Waste Water pollution
  • Track 4-3Carbon Cycle
  • Track 4-4Marine Pollution
  • Track 4-5Industrial Pollution
  • Track 4-6Pollution Control Technologies and Devices

Expectation of future worldwide natural changes requires a logical appraisal of the present state of earthly and marine biological communities and a comprehension of expansive scale earthbound and marine environmental procedures. Integrative earth framework models are imperative instruments for acclimatizing and requesting this environmental data.

Carbon Cycle : The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is traded among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and air of the Earth. Alongside the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle, the carbon cycle involves a succession of occasions that are vital to making the Earth fit for supporting life; it portrays the development of carbon as it is reused and reused all through the biosphere, including carbon sinks The worldwide carbon spending plan is the adjust of the trades (earnings and misfortunes) of carbon between the carbon supplies or between one particular circle (e.g., climate biosphere) of the carbon cycle. An examination of the carbon spending plan of a pool or repository can give data about whether the pool or store is working as a source or sink for carbon dioxide. The carbon cycle was at first found by Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier, and promoted by Humphry Davy Carbon-based atoms are essential for life on Earth, since it is the principle segment of organic mixes. Carbon is additionally a noteworthy segment of numerous minerals. Carbon additionally exists in different structures in the environment. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is halfway in charge of the nursery impact and is the most vital human-contributed nursery gas.

  • Track 5-1The use of biological resources, from hunting and fishing to cutting down forests
  • Track 5-2The use of physical resources, such as quarrying for rock and diverting water for irrigation systems
  • Track 5-3The use of energy resources, including the burning of wood and fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas)
  • Track 5-4The creation of artificial ecosystems, such as agricultural land for food production, and towns and cities as places for us to live.

It is the science that deals with origin, evolution, structure, composition and behavior of Earth's landscapes, places and environments. It includes the studies of assessing environmental studies, spatial studies and satellite events. It is an applied science concerned with the practical application of the principles of geology in the solving of environmental problems. It includes Hydrogeology, Environmental Mineralogy, Hydro geochemistry, Soil Mechanics. The fundamentals concepts of environmental geology are Human population growth, Sustainability, Earth as a system, Hazardous earth processes which involves geologic hazards, natural resources, and topical issues of concern to society such as climate change and provides sound advice about how humanity can live responsibly and sustainably on Earth. Environmental geology applies geologic information to the solution, prediction and study of geologic problems such as Earth materials, Natural hazards, Landscape evaluation, Environmental impact analysis and remediation. Forces within the Earth create mountain ranges and ocean basins and drive the movements of continents. Wind, water and ice shapes the surface of the Earth, making and changing the landscapes.



  • Track 6-1Alarming alerts and Early warning systems
  • Track 6-2Disaster Risk Management
  • Track 6-3Geographic Information
  • Track 6-4Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Fossil empowers are powers molded by ordinary systems, for instance, anaerobic decay of secured dead living beings, containing essentialness starting in antiquated photosynthesis. The age of the living things and their ensuing fossil forces is generally an extensive number of years, and as a less than dependable rule outperforms 650 million years Fossil forces contain high rates of carbon and consolidate oil, coal, and trademark gas Fossil empowers keep running from temperamental materials with low carbon: hydrogen extents like methane, to liquids like oil, to nonvolatile materials made out of for all intents and purposes faultless carbon, as Bacillus anthraces refer to coal. Methane can be found in hydrocarbon fields either alone, associated with oil, or as methane clath rates. The Energy Information Administration surveys that in 2007 the fundamental wellsprings of imperativeness included oil 36.0%, coal 27.4%, basic gas 23.0%, signifying a 86.4% offer for fossil powers in basic essentialness use on the planet. Non-fossil sources in 2006 included nuclear 8.5%, hydroelectric 6.3%, and others (geothermal, sun powered , tidal, wind, wood, waste) signifying 0.9%. World imperativeness use was getting to be around 2.3% consistently The theory that fossil forces molded from the fossilized remains of dead plants by introduction to warmth and weight in the Earth's covering over an immense number of years[5] was at first displayed byGeorgius Agricola in 1556 and later by Mikhail Lomonosov in the eighteenth century.


Renewable energy is gaining increasing importance in today’s world. In addition to the rising costs of fossil fuels and the threat of climate change, there have been a lot of positive developments in this field including improved fuel efficiency and reduced prices. Sunlight, geothermal energy, and wind are examples of renewable energy. These energy sources are inexhaustible and constantly replenished. Renewable energy plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Also, the demand for fossil fuels goes down when renewable energy products are used.


  • Track 8-1Precipitation framing
  • Track 8-2Geothermal vitality
  • Track 8-3Sustainable power
  • Track 8-4Gravitational vitality

Sustainability can also be defined as a socio-ecological process characterized by the pursuit of a common ideal, An ideal is by definition unattainable in a given time and space. However, by persistently and dynamically approaching it, the process results in a sustainable system. The study of ecology believes that sustainability is achieved through the balance of species and the resources within their environment. In order to maintain this equilibrium, available resources must not be depleted faster than resources are naturally generated.


  • Track 9-1 A dangerous atmospheric devotion
  • Track 9-2Green House Gas Effect

Environmental engineering is a professional engineering discipline that takes from broad scientific topics like chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology, and mathematics to create solutions that will protect and also improves the health of living organisms and improve the quality of the Environment. Environmental engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering , chemical engineering and mechanical engineering.


  • Track 10-1Potential Benefits of Energy Efficiency
  • Track 10-2Pollution and monitoring
  • Track 10-3Air pollution
  • Track 10-4Solid waste management

Agriculture conference focuses on the topic of food security and welcomes to all person who related to food security. A policy orientation for food security and safety include state-wise, previous, current and future policy issues, and cope-wise sustainability of agriculture. The particular part of food distribution in our society can be examined through the research of the changes in the food supply chain. Globalization, in particular, has significant effects on the food supply chain by validating scale effect in the food distribution industry. Provision of an adequate amount of essential nutrients to human beings has ever been the challenge in the province of food security. Hence, malnutrition is heavily interlinked to food security consideration, yet difficult to be eliminated. food security and policy, therefore, become magnetic in the province of research.

  • Track 11-1Sustainable intensification of food production systems
  • Track 11-2Food storage and technology
  • Track 11-3Fermentation Technology and Cereals
  • Track 11-4Innovative ways of feeding increasing population
  • Track 11-5Food and nutrition security

Agriculture conference focuses on the topic of plant science and invited to all student scientist and professor who related to plant science. Plant Science will accelerate the application of gene technology to agriculture. The scope of the plant science ranges from developing molecular techniques for genetic engineering to ecological research in the field of plant science. Ultimately the natural products want to contribute to a fundamental knowledge of basic biological processes related to development and health and the sustainable production of more healthy foods, flowers, and high-value biobased products. By accelerating the application of technology, plant genomics significantly increases the value of seeds and agricultural products. This increase adds much wealth to the customers, company owners, employees, and citizens of the nations in which genetic supply companies operate, and to both producing and importing nations whose food costs consequently are decreased.

  • Track 12-1Plant science and natural products
  • Track 12-2Plant genome sciences
  • Track 12-3Medicinal and aromatic plant sciences
  • Track 12-4Plant synthetic biology and plant transcriptome
  • Track 12-5Arabidopsis research

Green Energy principally involves natural energetic processes which are able to be controlled with little or no pollution. Anaerobic digestion, geothermal power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, alternative energy, biomass power, recurrent event power, wave power, and many sorts of nuclear power belongs to the green energy. Some definitions might embody power derived from the combustion of waste. In several countries with enterprise arrangements, electricity selling arrangements build it attainable for patrons to shop for green electricity from either their utility or a green power provider. Once energy is purchased from the electricity network, the power reaching the customer will not primarily be generated from green energy sources. The native utility company, utility, or state power pool buys their electricity from electricity producers World Health Organization might even be generating from fuel, nuclear or renewable energy sources. In many countries green energy presently provides a very little bit of electricity, typically conducive two to five to the pool. green energy customers either obligates the utility firms to increase the number of inexperienced energy that they purchase from the or directly fund the green energy through a green power provider.

  • Track 13-1Green Industrial Technology
  • Track 13-2Green Industrial Technology
  • Track 13-3Green energy and social benefits
  • Track 13-4Green Buildings and Infrastructures

Biodiversity helps in maintaining climate change and also prevents natural calamities. Biodiversity helps to regulate the nutrient cycle, water (e.g. floods) and mitigates impacts of climate change. In simple terms, it is the variability and variety of living organisms together with ecological facilities in which they exist. Let us try to understand biodiversity as a whole and biodiversity conservation which has become a major issue in this developing age. This conference will provide a platform to discuss on biodiversity and ecology restoration for the ben.

Waste management techniques are useful to minimize or reduce the waste in environment and these will helpful to keep the environment clean. Commonly used waste management techniques are Ocean Dumping, Sanitary Landfill, Incineration, Recycling, and Composting etc. waste management techniques involves Mechanical and biological waste treatment, Mechanical sorting of wastes, Resource recovery from waste, Methods of Waste Disposal, Recovery and Recycling. All these techniques are useful to minimize the waste in the environment however these are also have some advantages and disadvantages. Recycling is the best waste management technique among all these and the advantage of recycling is key to providing a liviable environment for the future.

The worldwide agrochemical showcase was esteemed at $197.9 billion out of 2014. This market is required to reach almost $207.9 billion out of 2015 and $257.5 billion out of 2019, subsequent to expanding at a compound yearly development rate (CAGR) of 5.4% from 2014 to 2019.

  • Track 16-1Soil Fertility and Soil Biochemistry Experts Meeting
  • Track 16-2Soil Erosion and soil management
  • Track 16-3Sustainable Soils and Soil Geology
  • Track 16-4Soil Morphology

Hydrology is the logical investigation of the development, appropriation, and nature of water on Earth and different planets, including the water cycle, water assets and ecological watershed manageability. A specialist of hydrology is a hydrologist, working inside the fields of earth or ecological science, physical topography, geography or common and natural engineering.Using different diagnostic strategies and logical procedures, they gather and investigate information to help tackle water related issues, for example, ecological conservation, catastrophic events, and water administration. Hydrology subdivides into surface water hydrology, groundwater hydrology (hydrogeology), and marine hydrology. Areas of hydrology incorporate hydrometeorology, surface hydrology, hydrogeology, seepage bowl administration and water quality, where water assumes the focal part. Oceanography and meteorology are excluded in light of the fact that water is just a single of numerous critical angles inside those field.

  • Track 17-1 Oceanographers
  • Track 17-2Geologists
  • Track 17-3Physicists

Oceanology is the branch of Geography that studies the sea. It covers an extensive variety of subjects, including biological system elements; sea streams, waves, and geophysical liquid progression; plate tectonics and the topography of the ocean bottom; and fluxes of different synthetic substances and physical properties inside the sea and over its limits. These assorted subjects mirror different controls that oceanographers mix to further information of the World Sea and comprehension of Procedures inside space science, science, science, climatology, topography, geography, hydrology, meteorology and material science. Pale oceanography concentrates on the historical backdrop of the seas in the geologic past. Branches are of four sort's Biological oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Geological oceanography, Physical oceanography.

  • Track 18-1Oceans & Climate Change
  • Track 18-2Marine Data Management
  • Track 18-3Marine Engineering and Technology
  • Track 18-4Coastal Oceanography
  • Track 18-5Oceans and Climate Change

"Financial instruments can be valuable in planning environmental change moderation strategies." "While the impediments of financial matters and social welfare examination, including cost– advantage investigation, are generally reported, financial matters all things considered gives helpful devices to evaluating the upsides and downsides of taking, or not taking, activity on environmental change relief, just as of adjustment measures, in accomplishing contending societal objectives. Understanding these upsides and downsides can help in settling on arrangement choices on environmental change alleviation and can impact the moves made by nations, foundations and people."

  • Track 19-1The rise and fall of civilizations
  • Track 19-2Solving their own climate problems
  • Track 19-3Human interference with the climate system
  • Track 19-4The goal of mitigation

Marine earth science or geological oceanography is that the study of the history and structure of the ocean floor. It involves geology, geochemical, sedimentological and paleontological investigations of the ocean floor and coastal zone. Marine earth science has robust ties to geology and to physical earth science. Marine matter surroundings centred on palaeontology, geo biology, pale-oceanography and archaeology, organic and inorganic atom biogeochemistry, marine minerals, carbonate sedimentology and therefore the physical properties of sediments and crustal rocks. more than half of our nation's population lives among fifty miles of the coast. Healthy coastal and offshore resources area unit very important to our nation's economy. The USGS studies coastal modification, hazards that impact coastal areas, ocean resources, and coastal and marine ecosystems.

  • Track 20-1Marine Sciences
  • Track 20-2Economy and legislation of marine
  • Track 20-3Marine environment
  • Track 20-4Coastal structures

Soil pollution or soil contamination as a major aspect of land debasement is brought on by the nearness of xenobiotic i.e. human-made chemicals or other change in the regular soil environment. It is ordinarily created by modern action, rural chemicals, or uncalled for transfer of waste. The most widely recognized chemicals included are petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear fragrant hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides, overwhelming metals like cadmium, chromium and lead, some inorganic acids and radioactive substances like radionuclides. Contamination is corresponded with the level of industrialization and force of substance use. The worry over soil pollution stems essentially from health dangers, from direct contact with the debased soil, vapors from the contaminants, and from optional sullying of water supplies inside and hidden the dirt. Mapping of sullied soil locales and the subsequent cleanup are tedious and costly errands, requiring broad measures of topography, hydrology and science, PC displaying aptitudes, and GIS in Environmental Contamination, and additionally a valuation for the historical backdrop of modern science.